Yearly Archives

14 Articles

How our Belief System defines what we do


You will not understand all the “jokes”, it’s designed that way, but if after reading this page you feel like it was a waste of time, I recommend you prepare yourself better and try again. Reading Encyclopedias helps little.


“There was a batch of toy Dolls from Martel

that had a computer chip inside.

This particular batch was different from the rest –

it was mistakenly programmed with software

of  another toy – Skipp the Puppy…

these Dolls would bark on touch.

The Chapter – Barkbee Dolls

Ok, easy, I’m not saying you’re a doll or something, but tell me where did you learn to read, write and lie?

If you’re like all other normal “non-alien-shaman-voodoo-spirit-talkers”, the answer is – From other people.

No, books are written by people too! And Internet is not an Extraterrestrial Conspiracy! (who knows though…)

As you should already have been incorrectly guessing, this is not a lesson on Leadership, for “True” Leadership requires a “Great Deal” of Lying. But I “leave it for later” habit.

What we do here about to discuss is the Art of DisIntegration of all things that were piled up unnecessarily by some random number generator – Fears and Hopes, Security and Decency, Love and Family Units.

To dig deep into the Murky waters of Self-Arangement, let’s play a song –

…30 seconds is enough, don’t overload your tiny Brain.


Let’s back get on track with toy Dolls. If you were one of them, like in some Wonderland or something, you would have been diagnosed with Incurable Delusional Impersonation Syndrome, and that’s fine, they’re all Mad there, but for you “Character”, it would mean – No Sex (unless you can control your Sound Effects), no Commercial Value (-Doll that barks? No Thank you),  no Definite Afterlife Plans (may end up as  ‘Collectible’ or a Shooting Target just as well).

Luckily for you, in the Toyland there are these Peeps, called Mechanics. They like pull heads and limbs from toys and place them in other places, mostly useless guys. They would suggest you take your Chip out and sell it on eBay. Then look for one that goes with you ‘mod’. Replace, and voila – You can’t bark anymore! Instead you can speak sassy American and your boyfriend in Ferrari is just around the corner.

~All Problems solved! You Achieved your Full Potential and Discovered Peace and Harmony!~ 🙂

Wait a second, here comes a Mad Scientist,  an Evil Magician and an Idiot “that-doesn’t-know-what-he’s-doing” (hmm, first two seem to fall in this category to, hmmm). Anyway, what happens, they get really drunk on something and deliberately mess up your ToyLand. You can’t seem to find your Ferrary and boyfriend is not yours anymore. Sassy American is not in fashion, and you need a breast implant. WTF* -new, for “Where Time Flys”.

Yo frantickly rush to meKunniks to get that new bling for half the risk of catching STD in New York. But now you need 10 chips for each pimp and it will all cost you: Left arm, right ear, skin tone, you can only speak Korean and your new name is SoeSoe.

You would wight all the pros and cons, but you don’t have that plug-in, and you can only make yes-no decisions. With all that pressure from DeezneyLand management you pull out your Left arm, snatch your Right Ear, peel off the Skin Tone Layer and Introduce yourself, in North Korean as SoeSoe.

Right at that minute 5 cars filled with sheriffes and giraffes pull over to the shop and no questions asked put your in a Toy Cell, under the “No Korean Invalids Act” category, that just passed the road to LasAstaLosVista board of DieRectors.

Se La Vie…”


“-And what did you learn, Charlie Brown?, asked nanny Rosalind.

-“If you want to have Fun, turn on your Observation Mechanisms”, politely replied Charlie.”

The End

Note To all legal authorities: I don’t speak Korean, nor am I affiliated with anyone in Korean Invalid Liberation Army.


-Note to, if still present, reader:

Dear Mr/Mrs Ifstill, do you remember how you got here?

Key to Controlling Reality – Deciphering Vadim Zeland

A few days ago I’ve started a discussion on “Reality Transurfing” with this  quote from Vadim Zeland:

– “Having received a Key to Controlling Reality, you will discover the World where the Impossible comes True.” VZ


Using “Reverse Engineering” as a Discovery Method I wil attempt to shed some Light on “What is the Key to Controlling Reality”.




First we shared on “If the Impossible can become Possible, or even True – Realized, what kind of the Impossible it is?


We discovered that Possible-Impossible are just mind Concepts, metaphors. Theoretically, everything is Possible – Flying Castles, Talking Animals, Aliens… etc. But in our “Slice” of Reality, non of there things are likely to happen in a Million Years.


– side note: [In my experience, Transurfing offers only Practical methods – if we were to apply these methods, we should see the results either fast or pretty fast ;)]


Thus, Possible-Impossible has to do with our Perceptions. What is Possible for one is Impossible for another, sometimes simply because of Social Conditioning.


– Example: “Some people of the West would refuse to stay or live on the 13th floor, as they consider it “Bad Luck”. For such an Individual, it’s “Impossible” to live on the 13th floor. While his friend from Japan would have no Problem with the number 13, he might refuse to visit the 4th floor, for the same reason.


A more Complex example would be someone who Wants something, but feels/thinks that he can’t have it, that it’s too Difficult, that he/she is not the kind of Person who can have it, etc.This is what we call – Limiting Beliefs.



Second Question was – “What is the World where Impossible comes True, and How to Discover it?”


Since we already know from the previous step that we are Dealing with Perceptions and Mind Programming we can deduct that “The World where Impossible comes True” is our own Mind. Although Mind is a very broad term, and many traditions put different meaning into it, for the purpose of this report we’ll define Mind as a “Receiver-Transmitter of Information” – thoughts, emotions, visions, sensations.


“In the province of the Mind what one believes to be true, either is true or becomes true within certain limits. These limits are to be found experimentally and experientially. When so found these limits turn out to be further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind there are no limits. However, in the province of the body there are definite limits not to be transcended.” ~John Lilly


And the last part of the question – How to Discover it?


You do know the Answer I hope! It’s been repeated in many different ways for Millenniums:


-“Know Thy Self, Discover your Potential, Enlightenment (as a process, not a destination)…”




Now let’s put this all together.


There is a Key (“Self-Knowledge” – as Ability to Alter the Content of One’s “Mind”),  to Controlling Reality (One’s Mind’s Perceptions and Abilities), “Having received a key to controlling reality, you will discover the world where the Impossible comes True” – With Self-Knowledge you will be able to Intentionally change the Perceptions you have, about the World and Yourself, and Align them with your True Self Potential.


Let’s read it again:


“With Self-Knowledge you will be able to Intentionally change the Perceptions you have, about the World and Yourself, and Align them with your True Self Potential.”


Now, let’s make it Practical. If you have a Dream or want to achieve something, write down all the reasons you can think of, that Prevent you from Achieving your goal. Look through the list and work on each of the Barriers starting with the easy ones and progressing to the Hard ones. For each Barrier find a few ways you can overcome it. If you can’t think of any, ask people in the group, or someone you think might be able to help you with that particular issue.


To your Success!

Nikola KindRad



Thank you for reading!

Please, let me know what you think, ask questions, make suggestions – all welcome!



PS. If you like this report, you’ll be glad to know I’ve prepared something cool for the Transurfing Group. It’s not free, but I’m going to pack it with so much Value you’ll be Thrilled.  And the price is so low it’s embarrassing to mention.


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